5 Things I Want To Help My Fellow Mom Homesteaders With

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Cash Mama exists to help other moms who homestead or are looking to homestead to become completely self-sufficient while earning an income from home.

  1. Empower other women with the skills they need become self-employed while homesteading

I will not lie! Homesteading takes a lot of time whether you are on an acre or a large acreage. In order to fulfill my dream of making my home a place that provides my family with as many resources as possible without the need for a grocery store or shopping mall, I needed to find a way to bring in an income while staying at home. Finding a way to do this was necessary before starting my little homestead on an acre.

In order to get where I am today, it took many years of trial and error. I’m thrilled to share with other moms who have the same dream as me the knowledge, tips, ideas, and the ability to live a life where you have the ability to make your own schedule, and do what you want to do while relying only on yourself!

  1. Provide easy to follow recipes

Cash Mama is all about saving time while becoming self-sufficient. Let’s face it… the less we need to get from the grocery store the less we need to visit one! Many ingredients can be found right in your garden.

I will share simple little recipes that I make on a weekly basis like bread, cookies, kids lunches, and snacks. I also would like to share all my family’s favorite meals that have helped us stay healthy while saving money. I hope you and your family will enjoy them as much as mine does!

  1. Recommend only the best products for your homestead

Wow! I have found some amazing products throughout the last several years. I’d love to tell you all about them…the good, the bad, and the ugly.

My goal is to provide you with very clear unbiased reviews on all products I use on a regular basis. For example, I love my Kitchen Aid products in my kitchen! I’m thrilled to tell you why! Sure I’ll throw in a few of those not so good products that I’ve found on Wish too. Although, I won’t be too hard on Wish. I have come across a few gems.

  1. Provide gardening tips and information

One of my main passions is gardening. What a stress reliever! About five years ago, I was looking after my mother-in-law while she was very ill in her home throughout the day. Her home was located right on the bank of the Saint John River. What an excellent spot for a garden! I took the opportunity to start a dream I had of growing my family’s very own vegetables.

My mother-in-law has since passed away, so the journey began to move my gardening home. I’ve built it from a couple raised beds to several raised beds, a large in-ground plot, and many flower gardens (Bring on the Bees!!) Through this experience, I have learned a lot and am super excited to be able to share all the information and tips that I have learned along the way!

  1. Provide Mayflower history information

That’s right! You guessed it…I’m a Mayflower descendent! I am in the process of researching my family tree. All this homesteading self-sufficiency leads back to our ancestors. Let’s learn about them!

In my efforts to provide information posts on my family roots and how to research my goal is to provide you with the know-how to find out where you come from? What were your ancestors like? Who were they?


These are just a few of the things I am looking forward to sharing with you all. Everything will come directly from the heart with lots of love! I can’t wait to share my experience and knowledge with you all. So, follow me on this journey and don’t forget to drop me a line in the comment section below. I would love to hear about some of your experiences.

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