Best Sprout Maker to grow fresh sprouts

The #1 Best Sprout Maker To Grow Fresh Sprouts All Winter Long

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Are you looking for the best sprout maker to grow fresh sprouts all winter long in your kitchen? Sprouts offer an abundance of nutrition that can be an excellent addition to anyone’s diet. When you grow fresh sprouts in your kitchen, you have them on hand at all times to simply toss them into salads, put them on sandwiches for the kid’s lunches, or add them to your favorite stir-fry!

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Last winter I found myself looking for a product to grow fresh spouts throughout the winter. I was missing all those delicious greens from our garden in the summer that we had started from seed. I did some research and found sprouts would be a perfect addition to our kitchen. The Victorio Kitchen Crop product seemed to be just what we needed to get started. We started growing a wide variety of sprouts right away and have not looked back!

Read This Post To Learn How To Start Your Own Seeds: The Beginners Guide To Starting Seeds Indoors in 2021

What are Fresh Sprouts?

Sprouts are seeds such as alfalfa, broccoli, mung bean, radish, clover, and so on that have been soaked and geminated into little baby plants for consumption.

Sprouts are full of beneficial enzymes, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

They are not only full of all these nutritional benefits but are also the easiest foods to grow indoors without the need for direct sunlight. If you are looking for that delicious crunch to add to your salad or sandwich throughout the winter months, sprouts are just what you are looking for.

Another added benefit to having a product to grow fresh sprouts in your kitchen is that the process is so simple you can easily get the kids involved!

The Sprouting Process

To grow the sprouting seeds of your choice, you will need to start the process by soaking the seed to induce germination. There is no need for soil as most seeds contain enough energy to produce the first few leaves. To continue growing these sprouts would need direct sunlight and soil. As a result, you get these tiny little plants called sprouts that offer many health benefits.

Germination enhances the nutrients within the seed providing us with tons of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B. This sprouting process also neutralizes the phytic acid and lectin content which makes the seeds easier to digest and absorb into the body.

Best Sprout Maker to Grow Fresh Sprouts

There are so many different options out there when searching for the best sprout maker to grow fresh sprouts in your kitchen. There are sprout maker tops for mason jars, hemp bags, large roll-around carts, and so much more. While these all have their benefits, I have found the Victorio Kitchen Crop Sprout Maker to be the best. Here is why:

Large Growing Area

When I was looking for the best sprout maker to grow fresh sprouts, I wanted one that would grow enough at once to feed all five of us living at home. I found that most mason jar and countertop options just didn’t have the capacity that I was looking for. This sprout maker grows more than enough, in just four days! It comes with 4 growing trays that are 6″ in diameter with room to add up to 4 more trays. With the four different trays, if you feel like growing less you always have the ability to just fill one or two trays, sprout up to four different types, or have the ability to start different trays on different days for succession planting.

Uses Less Water & Excellent Drainage

The Victorio Kitchen Crop sprout maker uses less water than other sprout makers. This excellent design allows the water to flow down through each growing tray, one at a time, allowing for the perfect amount of moisture to maximize germination. Watering from the top allows for irrigation in a way not to disturb your seeds or move your delicate sprouts around.

Easy To Clean

The Victorio Kitchen Crop has to be the easiest kitchen gadget to clean! They are actually dishwasher safe, which is awesome, although I don’t own a dishwasher at the moment. Even so, handwashing them is easy peasy! The containers are well built and very sturdy. We wash the containers frequently and use them daily.

How To Use The Victorio Kitchen Crop Spout Maker

Step #1 – Presoak Seeds

Not all seeds need to be presoaked, however, I usually do this when growing fresh sprouts. You can soak the chosen seeds in any container. The Victorio Kitchen Crop trays do not hold water so they cannot be used for the soaking process. The soaking time depends on the size of the seed and should be soaked for 3-8 hours. Typically, small seeds should soak for 3-4 hours, and larger seeds should soak for 6-8 hours.

Step #2 – Setup Your Sprout Maker

Make sure you wash all trays before using, remember you are growing food that you will eventually eat. Set the white or green tray (depending on the model that you purchase) on a level surface ie counter, table. Stack all clear growing trays on top of the base tray. Make sure all trays are set securely on top of one another.

Step #3 – Add Seeds To Trays

Spread out all your presoaked seeds evenly in the trays that you will be growing in. You typically need about 1/2 tablespoon when dry of alfalfa seeds or seeds around the same size. This will provide you with a full tray of sprouts. You can adjust this depending on the size of the seeds being used. Remember, that the seeds will expand once presoaked and should take up about four times their initial volume.

Step #4 – Water Your Seeds

To water your seeds, you will need two cups of water (16-fl oz.). Add the water to the top clear growing tray. The water from the top growing tray will drain down automatically from one tray to the next and collect in the white or green base tray.

Tips For Your Best Sprout Maker To Grow Fresh Sprouts

  • Remember to empty the white or green base tray when top trays before the next watering.
  • Repeat the watering process two to three times per day.
  • Do NOT put the Victorio Kitchen Crop sprout maker in direct sunlight! Most seeds germinate the best at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.
  • Rinse sprouts well under running water before eating.
  • Fresh sprouts can be kept for a few days in the refrigerator.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Growing Fresh Sprouts

If you are looking for those fresh greens to add to salads, sandwiches, stir-frys, soup, and so much more, this Victorio Kitchen Crop sprout maker is ideal for a beginner or avid indoor gardener. With little effort, you will be harvesting your very own delicious sprouts in just a few days!

What is your favorite way to eat your sprouts? What kind of sprout maker do you use to grow fresh sprouts all winter long? Do you have any questions about the Victorio Kitchen Crop? I’d love to hear what you have to say or answer any questions that you may have. Feel free to drop a comment in the section below. Happy Sprout Growing!

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